Women’s Rights





Holding Space

Holding Space sessions offer women the opportunity to talk to skilled doulas who will listen, hold space, and provide holistic, tailored support. They can be standalone appointments or can form part of a larger package of support, depending on your needs.

How does it work?

Two doulas will spend one hour with you individually, offering physical, emotional, and educational support. Afterwards, we will email you a follow-up, with a summary of what was discussed, and any useful resources.

This can either be over Zoom or in-person at one of our drop-in sessions. 

Further sessions can be arranged after your initial one. It may be that you would like to continue with our support in one of our longer term packages, and we would be more than happy to discuss this.

Freebirth Support
With Women
Postnatal Doula Support
Three-month Pregnancy Support

Gif showing women lifting each other upWhat does it mean to hold space?

Holding space for you first of all means we listen, and no feelings are too big or messy or complicated to share with us. We hold you in a safe, spacious container of compassion and caring so you can lean into your feelings and be curious, knowing that we’re here for you no matter what.

We won’t tell you what to do and we don’t come with our own ideas about what you might need.

When we hold space we are completely present with you and your situation, walking alongside you and sharing your journey wherever it may lead. We will not judge you, and we will listen with unconditional positive regard to whatever you have to say.

What kinds of things can I talk about during a session?

That’s completely up to you. You can use our time together to discuss anything you like, in confidence.
We want you to feel safe, in control, and cared for.

Below are topics that women have spoken about during these sessions so far, but we are not limited to these themes, and are open to discussing anything that is on your mind. You can be honest with us, and we will not project our experiences onto yours.

  • disappointing or traumatic experiences surrounding pregnancy, birth, loss, the postpartum period, and fertility issues

  • preparing to get pregnant

  • conscious conception

  • difficult feelings around loss, fertility, previous maternity experiences

  • hopes and fears for an upcoming birth

  • what to expect in the fourth trimester

  • writing a birth plan that centres your values, beliefs and rights

  • supporting you to complain, to get your notes, emotional support around getting your notes, support before or after a hospital “debrief”
  • planning your postpartum

Where can we meet?

Most Tuesdays we occupy the community room in Eastlands Asda (Sportcity, Ashton New Rd, Manchester M11 4BD) between 09:30 – 14:30. During this time we take bookings for in-person holding space sessions. Meeting in a supermarket might sound strange, but it’s a lovely private space, with toilet and kitchen, and nice lighting. You can bring food. We can drink all the tea. There’s loads of parking and the public transport links are excellent.
The community room is at the back, between the pizza counter and Supercuts (it’s a really big Asda!).

On Wednesdays and Thursdays (and some Mondays) we offer sessions over Zoom.


The cost for a one-hour consultation with two doulas including a comprehensive follow-up email is £75. We are able to offer full and partial funding for this service if the cost is prohibitive – please email us before booking if you require funding.

How do I book?

You can book a session using Calendly for either a Zoom session or an in-person session.