Women’s Rights






Here you will find blog posts written by members of the team, previous clients and volunteers, on various topics. We look at the ways in which our socialisation as women and girls impacts our lives and the wider world. We're always excited to hear your perspectives on these topics so if you have something you'd like to write about or something you'd like to hear about, drop us an email!

Recent blog posts

Response to another article about “the dangers of freebirth”

This morning the BBC shared an article online with the somewhat familiar headline “Medics warn of dangers of freebirth”. Of course we know what is coming because this kind of article comes out periodically in order to whip up some more fear around pregnancy and birth, as if women aren’t dealing with enough coercion as it is. Here are my thoughts on the themes of the article.

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Woman in a birth pool with her newborn baby on her chest

Freebirth is not just a reaction to the medicalisation of birth. Freebirth came first.

If you google freebirth or unassisted birth (which I don’t recommend doing!) you will be met with article after article describing this choice as a result of being “between a rock and a hard place”, “a new trend caused by poor maternity care” or women being “left with no other option”. And whilst the maternity system absolutely has had a part to play in leading women to this path, birthing unassisted is not “the lesser of two evils”, it is a return to the biological norm. For many women it is their first, instinctual choice. Why? Because it makes perfect sense.

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two newborn male calves in a stall, separated from their mother and visibly upset

Mothers Day

This isn’t the post I sat down to write about mothers day. I was looking for that post that will inevitably do the rounds, about

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We love supporting vegan mothers

If you are a vegan then you’re probably already very aware of how people perceive the vegan diet as somehow lacking. Add pregnancy into the mix and everyone is suddenly very concerned about your nutrition and will no doubt give you lots of unsolicited bullshit.

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