Women’s Rights





With Woman

Our With Woman support plan offers three months of continuous support through challenging life events and transitions. As skilled doulas (aka “woman servants”) we listen, hold space, and offer support you feel is right for your individual needs and circumstances.

Women tell us they don’t have enough support to tackle difficult life occurrences, so we created this service to offer holistic support at any time in life. You may be in the childbearing year, thinking about conception, no intention of having kids, or you may have had children long ago. You may be a combination, or none of these. Through this service we support all women to grow in confidence, centre themselves in their own experiences, and make informed decisions in all areas of their lives.

What can you support me through?

  • trauma
  • grief, loss and bereavement
  • financial worries
  • health concerns
  • friendship, family, partnership and relationship conflicts
  • releasing and letting go
  • changes around work, education or career
  • making sense of the past
  • planning for the future
  • dealing with challenging feelings
  • transitions to mother and crone
  • confidence issues
  • moving home or moving away
  • feeling overwhelmed, stressed, unappreciated, invisible, too much or not enough
  • coping with any beginnings, changes or endings

As doulas what we offer is not counselling or therapy, but being present and listening. We won’t tell you what to do; we will hold space while you vent, share, and process, so that you can decide what to do, in your own time. We will encourage you to centre yourself in your life, and support you to gain confidence. We trust that you know what’s best for you, and that you are the only expert there can ever be on your life. We believe in you, and will reflect that back to you whenever it’s helpful to hear it. We want you to feel like we are right there in your pocket, cheering you on and having your back, no matter what.
You can talk to us about something you’re preparing for, you can talk to us while you’re in the thick of it, and you can talk to us after something’s happened. Or all three.
Nothing is too big, too small, or too deep to share, and we won’t think that you’re silly or overreacting. If it’s important to you it’s important to us, because you are important, whatever you are going through.

Initial meeting

We offer a free, no obligation initial interview to get to know each other a little more. There is no expectation at all to go further than this. During this initial meeting we might discuss what has been going on for you, what support you would like, and how we could help. This is an opportunity to make sure we are a good fit for each other and get a feel for whether we are the right doulas for you. You can book this initial interview here.

How it works

This package utilises our Holding Space service, alongside email, text and WhatsApp, to provide continuous support over a three-month period.

We also offer the 3 Step Rewind as part of this package. It can be used for trauma (including from pregnancy and birth), phobias, and any event which has left you with difficult, lingering feelings.

After our initial meeting, we will all have a better idea of how your individualised package of support might look, but if we need to meet again that’s okay too! Below are ideas of what it might include:

  • A WhatsApp group chat so you can reach out at any time
  • Unlimited contact by video, text and email
  • Regular, private, meetings that can be face-to-face at drop-ins, or via Zoom (please see calendar below)
  • Optional 3 Step Rewind
  • Preparation for self-advocacy during meetings and interactions with others
  • Support to find relevant information and resources so you can make the right decisions for you
  • Access to our resource library
  • Follow-up emails from our meetings to help us keep track
  • A plan for when our support comes to an end  


Our fees

The cost for our With Woman support plan is £1300.

We believe we are the only service to offer this level of commitment, and the opportunity to build a relationship with at least two doulas. Our fee reflects not only this, but our extensive experience in supporting women.

As a community interest company are able to offer a partial or complete fee reduction to potential clients whose circumstances make them eligible. Please talk to us about this if you feel you would qualify.

We also offer gift cards in various amounts, as people are realising that our experience of life is more important than the stuff we accrue along the way. Contact us if you are interested in purchasing a gift card.