Hi, I’m Sarah and I live in Bury. I’m a woman, a daughter, a friend, a lover of biscuits and best of all a mum of 3!
Why am I a doula…..
Birthing my children highlighted that there is nothing out there to support women before, during and after birth. I had the benefit of experiencing doula support for one of my births and the benefits to me were incredible. The feeling of being held and confident before birth, experiencing such an empowering birth and coming out the other side believing and knowing that you are flipping awesome, no matter how your birth unfolds. All these feelings are key to beginning the exhilarating journey that is motherhood. As a new mother, the need to be loved, listened to, believed, nurtured and supported without judgement, was so integral to enjoying my postpartum, healing quickly and bonding with my baby. This was something that I missed out on without the presence of a doula. So much more was possible for me with the best support and all the preparation that I did whilst being held by other women.
Becoming a doula, is my gift to all the women that came before me and will come after me. To be a changemaker. To make that difference to a woman’s experience. To hold and support women while they discover their power and take charge of their births and postpartum. To remove the strong narrative that exists, putting unrealistic pressure on pregnant and birthing women. To remove the culture of mother blaming. To help women find the answers in their heart, home, family and village. To change the world one birth at a time.
Things that matter…..
All things women, birth, motherhood and children.
I believe birth is a bodily function, one that is much smoother when left completely undisturbed. Even more so when women are given the opportunity to have an undisturbed pregnancy and postpartum, if that is their choice. Women should be able to trust in their bodies, have their voices heard, and choose the care that they want (especially during pregnancy) without being questioned. I will continue to discuss and speak about this important subject as often as I can, to stamp out the idea that has been forced upon us; that birth is a medical procedure requiring intervention.
Motherhood is the most demanding, yet most rewarding task. Children reinvent your world for you. Yet being a successful mother, in a world that is not even setup for us to be successful women, is so difficult. The isolated nature of our times is unnatural, strange, and damaging, even more so to mothers. I would like to see communities of like-minded women, providing the support and connectivity that human beings need in general, giving mothers the space to raise their children, and speaking about this more prominently. I am passionate about awakening the fire that we all hold inside of us and showing the world how valuable and magical we all are.
How might I support you…..
Ultimately that will be led by you. Every woman is different; you are the expert on you, and I will trust you to make the best decisions for you and your baby. I recognise that all women are capable and should be in charge of their experience.
The loss of the village is hugely underestimated in today’s society. Being a part of your village by offering physical, emotional, or informational support; passing on knowledge, loving, respecting, listening, embracing, assisting, and empowering you would be an honour. To make sure you have the space to heal and bond with your baby, to help you remember that you are extraordinary, to enhance your journey into motherhood, to be your support, to listen and reassure you. I would be thrilled to walk with you in any, or all parts of your journey before, during or after birth.
I am also available to support you (and your family) through pregnancy and infant loss.
My other hats……
Before children, all things outdoors really helped me fill my cup. Anything from cycling, running, exploring the woods, to stargazing, camping or taking a trip to the seaside. Now I’m a mother my love for the outdoors has become a family passion and my children provide a very different perspective of outdoor life, allowing me to watch on in wonder! I also love martial arts (specifically kickboxing), and although I don’t get to train as often as I used to, it is fun to teach the children how to defend themselves from the comfort of our home.
I have breastfed my children and would love to offer support and guidance, if this is something you would like to do or try.
I am also a baby wearing advocate and can offer support with carrying your baby in a number of carriers/slings. We can also incorporate feeding your baby, in whichever way you have chosen, while carrying your baby in your chosen carrier.
I wouldn’t yet call it a hat but recently, I have taught myself to crochet. I’m still learning but am really enjoying making smaller items to develop this new skill. I’m working towards being able to make items suitable for babies and children and one day, a hat for me!

If you would like to work with Sarah and Greater Manchester Doulas CIC, please get in touch.