Women’s Rights





All about Amy

Hi there! 

I’m Amy, I live in Warrington, and I’m a sister, an Aunty and a doula. I love travelling and being out in nature, but also love curling up inside with a hot water bottle and a book. I’m an introvert who likes to be independent and speak up for what I believe in.

Why am I a doula?

amy on the beachI found my love for all things birth when my oldest sister was pregnant for the first time. I was 13 years old and deeply fascinated by everything to do with her pregnancy and birth. Over time, as I got a little older and listened to people’s (sometimes strangers’) birth stories, I knew that this was something that I wanted to learn more about and as I did, I wanted to support women on their journey to a positive birth experience. I considered midwifery for a short while, but knew that the role wasn’t quite right for me (I now know that the role was a LOT not right for me), when I heard about the role of a doula (from an episode of Gilmore Girls) and looked into it, I knew that this was the path I was going to choose! This is what I am supposed to do.

Things that matter

I worked as a healthcare support worker for quite a big chunk of my life, and through that, I began to see cracks in the system. People weren’t being treated like the independent adults that they were. From working as a doula and listening to women, I see the same thing happening to pregnant and labouring women. What matters is that women know that you are the lead in your birth story – and you should therefore be respected as such. I want women to feel strong and empowered by birth, and to know that they are in control of all decisions. This knowledge is power, and when women’s choices are heard and respected, they have a more positive birth experience. Wherever and however they choose to birth, they should be respected and supported. What matters is that women know that all of their options are always open to them, nobody can take that away, and only you get to decide who you invite into your birth space.

How might I support you?

Amy wearing glasses and dungareesAs a doula, a lot of what I do is during pregnancy. This is part of the role that I am really drawn to because the continuity of care, that familiar face when you go into labour, can mean the world of difference and is something completely missing from maternity care. The work that is done before and during pregnancy is key to having a positive birth experience, so this is the part of the support that carries so much opportunity. I have a passion for freebirth and women really tuning into their inner-knowing, so that is where the support of a doula comes in. I also offer postnatal support which can be both emotional and practical.

My other hats!

I do a couple of other things that aren’t birth-related; I enjoy the variety of these hats!

I work for my sister who has an online shop, I can often be found making Christmas stock in June.

Amy drinking teaWhen I’m not working, I volunteer at a Brownie Unit in Ashton on Mersey where I get to bestow some of my wisdom of independence and self-care onto the girls that attend.

I also volunteered with Projects Abroad and travelled to Tanzania to work alongside Midwives in a maternity unit over there. What an experience! One that really stoked the fire that was already burning in me around women’s rights and the importance of undisturbed birth.

I’m starting a van conversion project, with none of the tools or knowledge that is required, so this probably isn’t a hat yet (maybe just a headband?) but I might at some point be a travelling doula. If you want to follow this journey, I’m slowly adding videos to my YouTube channel.

Facebook – amysbirthsupport 
Instagram – amythedoula